Clothes repair

There has appeared a stain, a loose stitch, a hole or some other defect on your clothes that spoils the look, has not it? It is not necessary to worry and forget about your favorite dress, shirt, pants, coat or any other item of clothing. Give us the ruined clothes and we will take all necessary measures to give life to your piece of cloth. No one would ever guess about that.
Professional repair and redesign of clothes
The integrity and beauty of clothing can be restored if you address the professionals. LookA BIO DRY CLEANING is a staff with specialized training, a high-quality equipment and experience with orders of any complexity. We have to deal with a variety of tasks that may seem impossible for you. For us, it is just one more order, which will be carried out brilliantly, as always.
Often repair is required not only for those garments that were damaged during the process of wearing. Even brand new clothes require the elimination of the problem sometimes. This can happen if you bought a blouse, a skirt, pants or any other item of clothing, but it has appeared to be small, large or it has some other imperfections. We assure you, it is possible to fix the clothes, in most of these cases, if you benefit from assistance of professionals.
LookA BIO DRY CLEANING is ready to provide you with the following clothes repair services
Clothes repair may include the following services:
- setting of snap fasteners;
- altering of skirts and pants in the waistline;
- replacing of different elements of clothing – zippers, linings, fur collars;
- repairing of stitches;
- eliminating of scuffs and other damages;
- changing of clothes and sleeves length, decorating of garments;
- narrowing of cuffs and sleeves, length adjustment;
- other works aimed at fixing up the clothes.
Above mentioned list is not the whole range of clothes repair services we provide. You need to contact our experts who take each order individually, taking into account clothes features, the nuances of the task, customer’s preferences. The cost will depend on a number of factors: the material, the color and pattern of the material, the complexity of the task, the scope of work, the urgency. However, we cope with all orders quickly.
Our experts have everything to achieve a perfect result – a professional sewing equipment, high-quality accessories, threads, various materials and gifted hands, of course. LookA BIO DRY CLEANING will transform your clothes, so you will wear them with pride and they will become an object of admiration for others.