Carpet cleaning

It is impossible to carry out a complete cleaning of carpets at home. In order to save the product from various filth (dust, stains, animal’s wool, etc.), it is necessary to use specialized equipment and professional detergents. Contact LookA BIO DRY CLEANING and order a carpet cleaning service with delivery to the factory.
Our company carries out the cleaning of both synthetic carpets and products made of natural fibers. We remove filth from various types of carpets - viscose, silk, wool and other materials carefully and effectively. We work with handmade carpets too. We have the most advanced equipment, professional detergents and experience of highly qualified technologists.
The type of the cleaning (machine or manual) and the detergents are selected in accordance with the composition of the carpet, the method of its production and the type of filth. We work especially carefully with delicate and children's carpets, using safe and gentle detergents.
The cleaning of machine-made woolen carpets will cost 10 EURO per 1 m² as well as price for handmade carpets will be from 43 EURO per 1 m². Please note, that a prepayment of 30% of the total price of the reservation is required while making an order. You can pay both in cash or by a credit card.
The service of carpet cleaning with a delivery is provided in four stages:
- Making the order. You can place the order online or by phone. We will contact you as soon as possible, take the order and specify all the details.
- Cost calculation of carpets cleaning on the spot. Our dry cleaning staff will come to you at a determined period of time, measure and photograph the products to be cleaned, calculate the cost and take the carpets.
- Transportation of carpets to the factory and the process of cleaning. An experienced technologist will determine the type of the fabric as well as the degree and nature of filth. It will allow him to choose the most optimal cleaning method for the product. After the carpet is cleaned, it will be dried in a special way then the fiber will be combed out and the preparatory work for transportation will be performed.
- Order delivery. Carpets will be delivered on the appointed day. All you need to do is to check out the products, pay the rest of the cost and enjoy the cleanliness of your carpets.
The term of order fulfilment depends on the type of the carpet. Machine-made wool and synthetic products will be cleaned in 7-10 days. Handmade carpets require a little more time - from 10 to 15 days. These terms are the most optimal, because during this time we need to clean the carpet effectively and dry it in a qualitative way in order to prevent mustiness and deformation.
LookA BIO DRY CLEANING will return former cleanliness to your carpets and extend their service life.